Friday, January 15, 2010

Lessons from the Big Apple

After spending 10 days in New York, I think I have learned several important lessons.

1) When they say it's cold, they mean it. As a previous Bavarian, I thought I could handle it, but I was definitely ignorant of the windchill here. I have never been so cold in my entire life, but I learned the lesson of layers. To prevent myself from constantly whining, I survived by wearing my entire wardrobe---a tshirt, 3 sweaters, a thick peacoat, a big scarf, a hat, tights, jeans, and warm boots. Everyone here seems to be more used to it or at least more willing to sacrifice for fashion, because I was the only marshmellow shaped one of the bunch.

I think living New York you also need to be a pro at de-layering, since every inside place seems to be sweltering---especially apartments, which are sauna-fied without control of the tenants and btw make very scary banging noises that sound like cat burglars coming to attack.

2) It really is the most expensive place in the U.S. You can pay close to 700 dollars to rent a closet, and beer costs §6(!!!) a pint without tip. Sadly minimum wage and menial jobs don't seem to pay much better than here in California, so I have no idea how anyone in New York affords to get drunk. Especially when Two Buck Chuck is 3 Buck Chuck (Yes. I was very offended).

3) Brooklyn is AWESOME. Especially the Williamsburg area. My closest comparison is to that of the Mission district, except with less Mexican food and more bars. No one who lives here seems to be over 30 (or at least they don't act like it), and they all know each other and live permantly in the really cool bars here. I like.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i totes didn't even read this till just now. LOVE it :) let's learn more lessons next time