Monday, August 31, 2009

Camp Lessons

Right now I am spending five days with some of the kids from school at a Hostel near Ammersee. And here are some of the lessons I have learned so far.

1) It is not a good idea to send your kids to camp with knives or bags full of candy and coffee-filled candy bars

2) Kids will literally turn into wild animals in the dining room if you let them.

3) Scaring noisy kids at night is fun :)

I'm sure there will be more lessons in the days to come... :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Woah. Traveling for 3 weeks (aside of the killer cold that kept me in bed for a few days half way through) was great, but now I am back to reality--- and it is harsh.

With my flight even now not locked in, time is taking on strange qualities for me. Even though I will mostly have about a month left, it feels like I have about 72 hours. Also time is weird in that even though I seem to be slaving away for hours, absolutely nothing happens, aside of the fact that i run out of time. I clean my room, throw out a bag of things I hope I won't need, and suddenly its four hours later and when i turn my head the room is in same mess it was before.

I have so so many things to sort out before I leave, especially since I am leaving the land of beauracracy. A hostile rooming situation has also led to me probably leaving a week earlier than before.

But at the same time I am overjoyed. To be honest, I definitely feel that the German chapter of my life is coming to a necessary close. Although I am sad in that it feels like Europe is my young adventerous life and that that part is coming to an end, I am also stoked to get on with a new adventure and chapter in my life, even if it means I have to spend some hard time living with my mom and sleeping on the couch.

I am currently trying to continue my training in seperating my attachment from physical objects. I never want to throw anything away. But the when I do I almost never miss it. Yet I'm having the common problem where you always remember that one time you threw away you know that crazy popsicle stick holder you thought you'd never need and then you were kicking yourself about it a week later when for once in your life you really DID need it.

Well, at least I probably don't need those shoes with the gaping holes in them...but maybe...

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I have officially begun my 3 weeks of paid (!!!) vacation. The kids are all out of school and I feel the same. And it's nice :)

Tommorrow I am heading out to Ireland for the week. Starting out in Dublin and then heading out west. I am excited for the accents, the green, and the guiness of course!

Updates when I get back hopefully!!

Hope everyone is having a good vacation :)
